During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic The Streamwood Company will remain open to serve our residents and prospective residents however for the safety of our residents, employees, prospective residents and the communities that our properties reside, we will be making the following changes in our daily business operations
Effective Monday, March 13, 2020, all maintenance personnel will suspend all non-vital service within occupied apartments. Maintenance within occupied apartments will be conducted on an emergency only basis during normal business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm). Due to state recommendations for evening curfews (8:00 pm to 5:00 am), on-call emergency maintenance will be further limited to only a handful of qualifying emergencies
The following services qualify for emergencies during normal business hours:
- Lock-outs (no fees associated with lock-out’s through April 10, 2020)
- No heat
- Gas leak
- Fire
- Air conditioning not working (in extreme temperatures)
- Water leaks
- No running water
- No hot water
- Electrical issues
- Broken, unusable toilet
- Broken refrigerator (doesn’t get cold)
- Carbon monoxide and/or smoke detectors
- If not specifically listed, any matter that endangers the wellbeing of the residents, the integrity of the building, or requires immediate attention
To comply with state curfews, the following services qualify for emergencies occurring after business hours:
- Lock-outs (no fees associated with lock-out’s through April 10, 2020)
- No heat
- Gas leak
- Fire
- Air conditioning not working (in extreme temperatures)
- Water leaks
- No running water (no hot water will be addressed during the next day)
- Electrical issues
- Broken, unusable toilet (if there is only one bathroom we will dispatch that evening; if you have more than one bathroom, service will resume the next day)
- Carbon monoxide and/or smoke detectors
- If not specifically listed, any matter that endangers the wellbeing of the residents, the integrity of the building, or requires immediate attention
We have closed all resident amenities excluding laundry facilities until further notice
We strongly urge everyone to register for an account in our resident portal, Knock, if you have not done so already please provide your e-mail address to the property staff who will add you to the communication list. By signing up for this, we will be able to better leverage our technology platforms to deliver updates via e-mail and/or text message as needed.
To help us keep our community safe, and to serve you in a safe manner, we continue to strongly encourage residents to do the following:
- Visits to the leasing office will be by appointment only. We have placed drop boxes for rent and paperwork at the leasing office to be used in addition to the mail box or mail slot in the leasing office door.
- Communicate with your community staff over the phone or via e-mail rather than in person.
- Use the online portal to make online payments. All ACH fees have been waived for the month of April.
- Use the online portal to submit service requests, or submit these over the phone at
- To access our portal. Go to https://www.thestreamwood.com/residents/
Prospective Residents
In order assist you in your apartment search our staff will use available technology to complete virtual tours. Our leasing office will provide 3D tours of our model apartments as well as video tours of specific apartments for you to view. Our onsite teams will
Please note that we do have to ask if you or anyone that would be accompanying you on your tour has shown symptoms, is currently ill and/or has been in contact with someone that has tested positive for or is currently in quarantine or has been to any European countries in the last 30 days. Should the answer be no, we would be happy to tour you at this time but we do ask that you take extra precautions with washing your hands prior to your visit and also request you practice social distancing while on site.
If these questions are not answered prior to your scheduled tour and safety precautions are therefore not met, we will automatically cancel your appointment. If you show up to your visit without the preliminary questions being answered, we will be unable to meet with you and will advise you to reschedule at a later date.
We appreciate your understanding and patience while we all work to navigate this situation together
For Additional information, best practices to protect yourself and to stay up to date with the latest information on COVID-19 we encourage you visit the CDC ( center for disease control) at https://www.cdc.gov/